Painterly’s 2-Minute Tips: Get Organized

posted in: Art, Creativity


Painting palette Get organized text


I don’t know about you but I get side-tracked.

Distracted by the shiny.

Taken on a journey by a color passage, or a song on my head. Or the buzz of my phone, or whatever…

That’s why it helps to get organized and minimize distractions before I start to paint.

OMG Not structure, not that!  Try it! Seriously!

When you start off with a plan, you’ll have a much smoother and intuitive painting session.

First turn off the phone. Put the computer to sleep, and shut the studio door.

You really don’t want interruptions.  Because we all know that being interrupted during the creative process is such a buzz kill.

Computer, phone coffee notebook

Next, lay out your palette. Do it in the same order every time. That way your hand instinctively knows where to go when reaching for the pigments. Gather the rest of the supplies, and place them within easy reach.

Finally, stand back from your canvas before you start, and make a mental list of what you want to accomplish.

List of to do items for work in progress


There. Now You’ll be able to paint with wild abandon

Comment and post pics. Lemme know how this works for you!


Check out my 2-Minute Tip Video on the subject, and for the latest tips and lessons,  please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Happy Painting!