Painterly 2-Minute Tip: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

posted in: 2-Minute Tips, Art, Multimedia

Paintbrushes and the word challengesArtists have lots of challenges. I’m going to talk about some of my own and how I have worked through them:


I’ve found that the only way out is through them so I face them head-on! Here’s a list of my top challenges.

Focus Oh it’s so easy to get distracted by the shiny!

I turn off my devices while I’m creating. And when I’m doing work on the computer, I close down my email so I’m not tempted to look. Emails and phone communications open up too many rabbit holes.

Inconsistent Cashflow Sales can be feast or famine.

I have developed short-term and long-term income strategies. Painting sales for the short-term and licensing and teaching for the long term.

Staying Inspired Sometimes it is hard to light a fire under your creativity when you are just not feeling it. But it’s up to me to keep myself lit so I make it a priority. Artist’s dates and connecting with others really keeps me inspired.

Studio Space Some folks have not enough or none at all.

Currently, mine is too small. Nut I don’t sit around and say I can not create because it is too small. I do the best I cab with what I have and make plans to get my dream studio.

Marketing Don’t you wish you had peeps for that?

Set aside time for it every day. Chip away at it and you’ll be amazed at what you get done.

Isolation If you are an introvert fine.

If not well creativity can be isolating and debilitating. Connect with others via art groups and classes

Fear of Rejection Nuf said.

Ask a lot so that you are more comfortable doing it. The more no’s you get, the closer you are to a yes.

Imposter Syndrome Feeling that you are not good enough.

Don’t believe everything you think. I’m craving up. I had a major pity party moment and I wrote a song called “Good Enough”. Oh it’s dark. Oh it’s tired, but it helped me release that energy and helped me laugh with myself.



Taking action with your challenges gets the ball rolling and turns each one into an opportunity.  So go ahead. Face them. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.


What’s your biggest challenge?

Please share it here so we can share with others how you solved it.

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I’ll see you next time.