Determination: Flourishing Between a Rock and A Hard Place

posted in: Art

When I lived up in Yosemite Lakes Park in the Sierra Foothills,  I’d gather with friends monthly for a Spa Day at the home of my artist friend Darlene Jaeger. We’d spend time chatting in the swim spa, followed by lunch and lively fellowship.

It was always a fun and inspiring event!

There are many beautiful rocks and trees on her property but this one always called out to me the loudest. The oak was definitely between a rock and a hard place but yet it flourished. Reminds me of all of us during these trying times.

I finally got around to painting this palette-knife piece this week. I hope you can feel the laughter, strength and determination in this spirited piece.

Palette knife oil painting of an oak tree between rocks

Oil on Wood Panel
8″ x 10″

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