Painterly 2-Minute Tip: Creative Rituals

posted in: 2-Minute Tips, Multimedia

Rituals can help signal your muses that you are ready to leave the left-brained world and enter the creative realm. Here’s how I get ready to get ready…

Do Not Disturb


  • I turn off the phone. Leaving it on and getting interrupted in the middle of a painting session is such a buzz kill!
  • Then I decide if I will paint in silence or work with music. When I do create with music,  I select music that matches the mood of what I’m trying to express.
  • Next, I strap on my apron. Strapping on the apron is like lacing up the running shoes from my youth. Do you remember PF Flyers? You could do anything with those tennies! My magic apron is my PF Flyer equivalent. When I put on that apron, it tells my higher self that I am ready to paint.
  • Finally, I set up a fresh palette. I discard yesterday’s journey and start the day anew.



It’s good to get grounded once the painting session is over. I don’t know about you but I go way out there when I paint. Seriously!

Cleaning your brushes/wiping knives and putting supplies back in place helps you get grounded again and back into the left-brained world… well as much as I am ever going to get back into the left-brained world.


Do you have creative rituals?  Do tell and post your comments here.


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