Painterly 2-Minute Tip: Learning From the Old Masters

posted in: 2-Minute Tips, Art, Multimedia

Vermeer Study Taking the time to study and copy an Old Master painting is a great way to sharpen your skills.

Many years ago I copied a section of Vermeer’s Girl with the Red Hat. My painting didn’t come out great but I sure did learn a lot along the way. I think it’s time to try his Girl with the Pearl Earring.

What I love about this exercise is that the composition, colors, and well everything is pretty much spelled out for you. You’d think that would make it easy to paint but it’s not always a breeze figuring out what they have done let alone executing it.

You can try a web search on the artist to determine their process or you can just look at the painting and go for it.  Either way, it’s a fabulous experience.

If you give it a shot, please post pics on here and share your experience.


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