Painterly 2-Minute Tip: The Power of Doodling

posted in: 2-Minute Tips, Art

When I first started painting, I was so focused on making something look like something, that I forgot to play.

One day, my teacher Michael Linstrom suggested I chill out and doodle. Mike suggested I pick up a pen or stylus and fill the paper with one continuous line. He suggested not lifting the pen until the paper was completely filled, and added that I should not worry about where it goes or how it looks. Trying to make it into “something” would defeat the purpose of the session.


I tried it and found it to be soooo contemplative. There’s something zen about this practice, and it grounds and soothes me every time.

It’s also a great way to kickstart your creative work for the day as it instantly puts you in alpha mode.


So there you go. Give doodling a shot, and let me know what you experienced. Post pics in the comments below.


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