Painterly 2-Minute Tips: Give Sponge Brushes A Try!

posted in: 2-Minute Tips, Art, Multimedia

Sunflower header Painterly 2-Minute Tip Sponge Brush Painting

Today we are going to explore sponge brush painting. No not the typical stippling of paint for trees and foliage. I’m talking about using sponge brushes on subjects that would make you twitch a little…say a portrait.

Here are things I learned along the way…

1) Keep it damp but not dripping
2) If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, make up sponges hold up better. The traditional sponge brushes fall apart
3) They are great for glazing and wide applications of paint.
4) They keep you from being too fussy with your work.

Check out the 2-minute video below  and let me know how it worked out for you.
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2 Responses

  1. Manco Painting

    Great post! Keep sharing 🙂