Painterly Two-Minute Tip: They Call it ArtWORK for a Reason!

posted in: Art

Did you ever think about the word “work” that is contained in the word “Artwork?”  It’s there for a reason. Considerable time and effort go into creating a work of art.

I’m a firm believer in practice and study and I am always doing exercises to sharpen my skills.

For many years I attended live model sessions put on by Yosemite Sierra Artists. These sessions lasted 3 hours and when I first started, I could barely get a rough sketch completed! I took reference photos so I could finish at home but I quickly became frustrated that not only could I not get a solid start during the 3-hour session,  I couldn’t get them done during the week between sessions. Soon I had tons of unfinished paintings piling up.

That much unfinished business totally stressed me out. So as a way to improve, I set myself a goal of creating fifty, 5-minute sketches to help me get ideas down fast.

I got permission to use my Facebook friends’ profile pictures and went to town. These studies really helped me to get down to basic details and when I went back to the portrait group, I was able to get a solid first statement done during the 3-hour session.


Sketch of a Man


Do I finish a painting in one session? No. Do I even finish one in a week? Rarely. But I dramatically improved my skills and confidence and these quick studies helped me to become more painterly.

Brian King Portrait of man in a hat


Bottom line, if you want to improve, ya gotta do the work.

What kind of work are you doing with your art? Drop me a line and let me know.


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I’ll see you next time.