The Power of all Giggles

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint — and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”

Oprah Winfrey

Seated Sock Monkey with red heart background

I believe that that’s exactly what I’m doing now, finding a way to offer what I do in the form of service. Huge grin, here comes a Rosann Rosanna Danna story to help illustrate it.

Mackenzie’s Dream  (circa 2009)

8-year-old Mackenzie is the daughter of my youngest step-son’s (now ex) girlfriend. One morning, Mackenzie told me she had a dream about the two of us, and that she really wanted to share it with me.

Mackenzie related that she dreamed we were in a large hotel. She said it was not the kind of hotel where you spent the night. Instead, it was a place with many rooms for business people. She went on to say that saw us standing in front of a table near the entrance to one of the rooms.

Seated at the long table was a group of people that would determine whether or not I would gain admission to the room.

One of them asked me what I did for a living, and what I could offer the group.

Mackenzie blurted out, “She has the power of all giggles!”

She said I tried to correct her and exclaimed “But I’m an artist!

I’ll never know whether I gained admission as she couldn’t remember the rest of the dream. At the time I thought it was an important revelation about myself and my work. I thought I understood its significance at the time, but now, 13 years later, I believe really understand.

I mean really understand.

The goal of all of my creations has always been to share joy. Now, with the publication of the Sock Monkey Oracle,  I am truly sharing joy on a grand scale. In addition to the major booksellers, I recently discovered that the Sock Monkey Oracle is also being distributed by Walmart.

The feedback I am getting from folks who have seen these advance proof copies is that they make them feel good and that they are a great tool for self-reflection.

I have received my own proof copy and I use them every day.  Stay tuned for behind-the-scenes videos about the deck, including live readings. You too can join the fun. They are now available for pre-order and are slated to ship on 4.19.22.